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  • plettil

    16 mars, 2014 vid 23:36 som svar på: Var köpa mina segel siffrorna

    Vad är bättre? Vinyl siffrorna utan bakgrund (min seglar färg är vit) eller dekal med bakgrund som Lasse? Jag hitta ingenting för PH Profil för dekal.

  • plettil

    16 mars, 2014 vid 07:03 som svar på: Torkelstorp lördag 15 mars -1.


  • plettil

    15 mars, 2014 vid 15:02 som svar på: Vem står på brädan???

    1. Ålder? 42
    2. Jobb eller studier? Job
    3. Äger du en egen bil? Ja
    4. Vilken/vilka vattensporter utövar du? Vindsurfa
    5. Antal brädor, olika storlekar? 1, 2.80 antik slalom
    6. Vart surfar du: Sverige, utomlands (antal olika ställen) Sverige västkusten
    7. Hur många surfdagar blir det per år? 25-35
    8. Distans till vatten? 10km-50km
    9. Hur får du dina brädor dit du vill? (om svaret är bil: antal brädor på taket? Vilket system?) i bilen eller på taket
    9.1 Hur förvaras dessa innan/ efter användning? Källare
    10. Hur får du våtdräkterna dit du vill? Tillbehör sport bag
    10.1 Hur förvaras dessa innan/ efter användning? I bagen, lufttorkat
    11. Problem, omständigheter runt sporten? (Transport, förvaring, våtdräkt etc.)
    12. Vad är enligt dig det omständligaste med sporten? Vind vänta.


  • plettil

    13 mars, 2014 vid 06:06 som svar på: Defi Wind 2014

    @Svenne 721580 wrote:

    Did I hear someone say stupidity?..
    With that said, stupid people generates stupid laws… 😉

    Did I say something? :o. Lucky that French people are not all like UCPA ”students”. …laws for everything every where….with limited effects….this is one of the disease of the French governing structure/culture.
    Good luck for those who will compete to the defi wind 2014.
    Lycka till!

  • plettil

    12 mars, 2014 vid 20:42 som svar på: Defi Wind 2014

    This is a legal requirement in France, some kind of insurance purpose. Not only for competition and/or windsurf. if you want to be part a club (football, basket ball, gym, …), whatever sport, you need to meet your doctor every year to start the season. Kind of boring….
    Discussion right know might reduce the need for being part of a club, but I am not sure about competition. And yes a doctor in France signs and stamp with his ”forsäkringskassan” ID and so on, to prove it is done by official doctor. View from here, it looks quite ”ridiculous”.:shocked:
    Kind regards,
    Addition : read some official documents right away, for competition, either you are part of a federation (I don’t know how to translate this) but basically you have a ”license” to compete, and you have had a medical certificate which states that you can compete in this sport without risk for your own life, it is required to get the license. Or in your case, you need to show a medical certificate stating you don’t have lethal risk in competing in the discipline you are aiming to compete in. It should be less than one year old.

  • plettil

    23 februari, 2014 vid 20:41 som svar på: Elix M eller Monster 66 för "freeride"?

    Hi Brett,
    In fact I am looking for opinions and about feelings and behavior of boards. 🙂 not for a board right now, but thank you for the proposal. The Carve is not on my ”radar”, too much on the carving side…

  • plettil

    21 februari, 2014 vid 21:01 som svar på: Do you use session log web site? If yes which one?

    That’s what I was expecting from the speed masters 🙂 , but what about the others. In GPS surfing, do you log all your sessions (even your free rides one) or do you just input the run that make sense? For me, doing free ride and for my level, I stepped into this process to log all sessions and be able to learn from semi-statistical analysis like sail used the most, sail/wind, ….
    Best regards,

  • plettil

    16 februari, 2014 vid 08:57 som svar på: Defi Wind 2014

    Det är öppet där : från igår.

  • plettil

    16 januari, 2014 vid 20:49 som svar på: Do I need a size between 7,1 and 8,5 ??

    @Brett74 720304 wrote:

    Some good advice here from everyone, I have a lot of free time so it often happens that I am on the water for 5-6 hours a day, even this winter I have been out for many 4 hour sessions, without a break….

    On the case you can afford and spend the time… Why not… I like to simplify my ”life” by limiting the quantity of possible choices and combinations. One good thing to analyse your usage would be to log your sessions and gear used and after one year of so, you’ll see what are the more frequent combinations. I guess there are plenty web site to do this, I started to use MWS ( Not perfect but good enough for me.
    My 2 cents more. 🙂

  • plettil

    15 januari, 2014 vid 21:34 som svar på: Do I need a size between 7,1 and 8,5 ??

    The more sail, the more difficult it is to chose the right combo. I try to minimize this then I don’t spend too many hours to decide on what to take and afterwards I am not disappointed because I didn’t chose the right one. With 2 boards and 5 sails, good luck to chose the right combo :). IMHO Before buying the 7,8, I would test the 8,5 to its max and see if the jump can be made to the 7,1. Today’s sails have a huge range and I guess phantom does, I have s-type and have the gap 6.6 – 7.8 and I must say it works quite fine. I don’t know which size exist by 6.4-7,1 seams quit close, can’t you go for 7,5instead? 6,4 – 7,5 – 8,5 would look better to me. 🙂
    My 2 cents.

  • plettil

    4 november, 2013 vid 06:36 som svar på: Lessacher chamäleon storlek o profil

    Det är 59,5cm bred med 90’s lång tuna outline

  • plettil

    2 november, 2013 vid 18:20 som svar på: Luderitz 2013

    Tack Anders, bra report! Bättre än Luderitz race org.

  • plettil

    2 november, 2013 vid 18:14 som svar på: Lessacher chamäleon storlek o profil

    @Bicless 718256 wrote:

    Jag kan fixa en Lessacher 24 eller 28 i usbox om du vill. Maila i sådant fall.

    Tack Bicless. Vilket storlek ska jag köpa för 7,8kvm och 6,6kvm segel för min Hot Bee 90′ 2,80m o 115liter?

  • plettil

    28 oktober, 2013 vid 21:14 som svar på: Lessacher chamäleon storlek o profil

    Hej Robin,
    Precis : gigantisk! Tyvärr ha Anders inga fena på US Box… 🙁 ha 24:an … Sälja 36:an på US Box är inte enkel tror det jag. :rolleyes:

  • plettil

    27 oktober, 2013 vid 20:10 som svar på: Har jag fel mast?

    Simmer funkar inte bra med NP. NP funkar bra med flextop mast när är simmer constant curve.
    Se där :

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