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  • toinobcool

    14 juni, 2008 vid 20:17 som svar på: Kiteresa till Protugal (Faro/Algarve)
    _Sofia_;474824 wrote:
    You are wonderful António. I will visit portugal in two weeks with some other guys just to surf, party and live a lifestyle that my mother will never find out about. Your suggestions are very welcoming… =)

    I’m Glad I could help.
    Portugal have crazy parties and nights, and comparing the price of the alcohol, my god, it is 3 times less what it is in Sweden. Lisbon have excellent places to go out at night, places like: Santos, Docas, Bairro Alto,and a lot of discos, in this only in Lisbon, if you go to Algarve, Damm there you have a crazy night life to, well, if y want you will have crazy lifestyle every place you go.
    Maybe you can catch the big festivals we will have in the summer like

    Well Like I told before, just come whit the flow…
    I think you will not regret..

    Have fun

  • toinobcool

    13 juni, 2008 vid 10:49 som svar på: Wind Condition & Size Kite for Sweden

    Thanks very much.
    It seems a good help..

  • toinobcool

    13 juni, 2008 vid 10:46 som svar på: Kiteresa till Protugal (Faro/Algarve)
    christian12345;474317 wrote:
    Thanks for the tips, António. Appreciate it a lot; if we’re somewhere close in a couple of weeks, I’m buying lunch.

    So. It seems most of the kitesurf you’re talking about is around or south of Lisboa? Me and my gf plan to just roadtrip from Lisboa and go north until we find a nice lagoon, hang out at the lagoon for a while and then continue north and so on. Is that a bad idea? Will we end up at mostly gusty/choppy/mediocre spots if we don’t go to ’official spots’?

    Also, I don’t know if it’s just me, but I can’t make the link work…

    Hello there!
    I say kite surf is popular from Lisbon to the south because of the big beaches and the good conditions of the wind and water. but I’m not saying that in the north there isn’t excellent places to Kite, There is too excellent places to kite, mostly places are to kite whit waves, but there is calm places to like lagoons it depend of the tastes. You have very big coast in all Portugal, so I think if you do a RoadTrip probably whit a car, you don’t have any problem whit places to do Kite.
    Algarve it is very famous for the tourist, it is very popular for people outside of portugal go to Algarve, it have excelent weather, good places and ofcourse good nights.
    I think in general their is always a good place to kite in Portugal, more mile less mile.
    And I think once you are in Portugal you will not pass all days kiteing so you will discover a little to of what portugal can give you like food, wine, places. So in general I think it is a good idea. when I said ”Official Spots” it is spots where mostly people know, and mostly it have some Kite Schools, but there is others excelent places to kite, but people don’t go there that much because it is far away, like the one I told a litle in the south, it is called comporta, it is almost a desert place from the city and for going there you have to pick up a Boath of 20 minutes and drive another 20, so people don’t go there that much but it is a excelent place.

    Just go to Portugal and go whit the Wind…. =)
    If it is a good day to kite you kite, if not you visit, and drink and eat, taste the traditional thighs from Portugal.

    Note: There is people who say that it is more cheap to go to the other 2 airoports from Portugal like Porto and Algarve, but for what I saw, their isn’t anymore. Ryan Air it is the lowcost agency that did Porto – Stockholm, they cancel that fly, so now you have to do a scale in London, so besides it is long it will cost more and y have to pay a lot for baggages , and to Algarve it is other that I don’t remember the name but it is the one who do direct flight to Stockholm, but the price really surprise a person, but of course you are already in Algarve, if that is your destination.
    Tap it is the agency I use and I normally pay, buying 1 moth before , around 240€ go and come.

    I hope I could help.
    Complements, and have a nice Trip.
    António Freitas

    Sorry for the long text
    If you need any more information just say something or send a email:

  • toinobcool

    11 juni, 2008 vid 19:33 som svar på: Kiteresa till Protugal (Faro/Algarve)
    gh0st;474290 wrote:
    Awesome! Thanks for the help. Yeah, there is a bunch of guys/gals headed down to Portugal in july/august.

    No problem, i’m from portugal, so I know what i’m talking about. I pratice kitesurf mostlt in troia.


  • toinobcool

    11 juni, 2008 vid 18:21 som svar på: Wind Condition & Size Kite for Sweden
    gh0st;474243 wrote:
    Hey mate, sorry but I havent got a clue about the wind conditions in Dalarna but welcome to the forum.

    Thanks anyway…
    So it seems that 80% of swedish kitesurfers are in the South. Best conditions!
    Well I beleive so, even in the lakes whit all the trees around it is dificult to have constant and clean wind.
    Even using kite of size 16 or higher, seems dificult.

    thanks António

  • toinobcool

    11 juni, 2008 vid 18:17 som svar på: Wind Condition & Size Kite for Sweden
    Virena;474236 wrote:
    Oi Tudo bem!

    Ce voce quer ir pra Göteborg ou Varberg e fazer Kite surf, ligar pra mim. Meu nomero e 0739929262. Eu tenho amigos de portugal aqui ce vc tem saudade de pesoas de sua pais;)

    Ate logo, Virena

    Epa espetacular.
    Ja sei que tenho de arranjar um tempinho para ir ai ao Sul.
    O pessoal esta ai em Trabalho!?

    Um grande abraço António.

  • toinobcool

    11 juni, 2008 vid 18:14 som svar på: Kiteresa till Protugal (Faro/Algarve)
    Call3;457333 wrote:
    Är i full fart med att planera en kite-tripp till Portugal(Faro/Algarve) i juni och hade velat ha lite tips inför resan! 🙂

    Tankarna går i att hyra bil och bo hyffsat billigt..

    Hur är det med kitecamps? Någon som har provat?

    Tips om boende och allt annat som spots t.ex. mottages varmt!

    Good winds!

    Hello there, if I’m not in mistake you are thinking KiteSurf in Portugal.
    Algarve it is a very popular place to do KiteSurf, good places good wind and after all a good night in town. =)
    If you are looking for a place, whit not that much confusion and excelent place to ride you have places really near from the capital, I’m talking about all the Coast from Troia to Sines, Like a small town whit a excelent place called Comporta, where it is made once and while KiteSurf Cups.
    then You have more near the capital places like Praia da Nova Vaga , guincho ,lagoa albufeira, still excelent places, once and while , whit a lot of people but ofcourse if y avoid the weekends.
    Well Portugal have excelent places to KiteSurf, from the north to the side.

    you have here a site whit school spots, where 99% are in the most wanted areas to KiteSurf.

    I hope I could help.


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