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  • podjur48

    20 januari, 2009 vid 07:24 som svar på: Skånska SOPPSLEVS mästerskapen

    @ Janne: You can see some good pics at

  • podjur48

    18 januari, 2009 vid 20:12 som svar på: Skånska SOPPSLEVS mästerskapen

    Looks like you had great fun!
    Anyone wearing a gps? 😉

    I went to Boot Dusseldorf and got me a Hiberna Speedster… Little bit more advanced. Now we only need some ice. Please keep me posted about the conditions of wind and ice in Sweden. Otherwise we may have to come over sooner than in April :-).

  • podjur48

    30 september, 2008 vid 18:43 som svar på: Svarta skönheter

    Nice black beauties! I call them the Black Beasts ;-). I also made the same forum topic at the Dutch forum:

    Last Saturday we met Brigitte and Badjanne at the camping Bad Hoophuizen. The first few days there was not much wind, but today we had a nice sail together. Tomorrow we have the first USM during the week with hopefully some nice winds! Too bad I already have been asked to help out the Austrians with their speedchamps otherwise I would have tried to come…

    Greetz, Roger!

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